A Look Back on 2021

Long time no see on here :) I can’t believe 2021 is coming to a close already. If it’s even possible, I felt like 2021 was full of more twists and turns than 2020. But to entertain the glass half full perspective (also one of my subconscious 2022 resolutions), this year was probably one of the most creative and inspiring years for many of us. We saw some really cool launches from brands, like the Item Beauty Lash Snack and Paula’s Choice Omega cleansing balm. I’ll be doing a full roundup of my beauty favorites from this year on my IG, but wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the major pillars (new year’s resolutions if you wish) that I want to bring into the new year.

1. Spend time with the important things. 

Whether that’s with people or activities, I’ve realized how little time we have and how precious each hour is. I’m still all for wasting an hour here or there on Youtube, I call that “caring for my mental health”. But when it comes to doing things we only half like or spending time with a meh friend, I just think “why”? With my skincare routine, I only have one face, so I prioritize using the products I enjoy rather than trying to use up the ones I feel lukewarm about. For every meh product I use on my face, that’s another amazing product I don’t get to use. You get the metaphor…let’s settle only for the amazing ones. 

2. Less is more. 

This sentiment has been around forever, but it’s a little difficult for me to abide by it since my favorite hobby is being a skincare hoarder. This past year has no doubt been full of clutter, both in my mental space and physical spaces. I’m truly in need of a deep clean. But this “less is more” mentality is something I especially want to apply to clothes. I love a good bargain, but I used to buy things purely because I couldn’t resist the sale tag. I realized that having pieces I love and that are good quality will go much farther in the long run. I’ve been giving more thought to my purchasing habits and thinking about what could fit in my wardrobe long term. I used this thought process recently when adding this sleek black boot from Nakd to my collection. A little black number never hurt anyone.

3. Exercise (in any way you can).

I went on a lot of walks this year. Like a lot. At first it was just so I could do anything but look at the same four walls, but slowly it turned into a daily ritual, and eventually, something I look forward to now. There were so many times where walks saved me from breaking down or sending an angry text. Walks also stimulated my mind and helped me think more clearly in my work. When the gyms opened back up, I started doing low impact exercises and saw the boost I got in energy and motivation. After 20 years of existence, I think I can finally fully appreciate what my doctor means every time they say “any type of exercise is good for you”. I used to think exercise helps minimally at best, but this couldn’t be more false. I feel better about myself in all the spheres (mental, physical, emotional) and I encourage you to exercise as frequently as you can, even if it’s just a walk! 

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and cheers to a great 2022!

These little black boots can be found on www.na-kd.com/en :)


Treasuring the Now, not the could haves or could bes


2020 Favorites