Welcome to the Land of Milky Skin
skincare tips and inner musings

2020 Favorites
The end of the year is upon us! This year has done quite a number on us, especially our skin (with all that stress)! My favorites are products that have gotten me through all the oily, dry, and sensitive skin stages imaginable. They are my tried and true and will probably still be in my routine well into next year!

2020 Empties
One of the most telltale (and satisfying) topics of the year! I love when I get to the bottom of a product, toss it in my empties bin, and bask in the achievement of finishing a full product. For a single face, I think that I racked up quite the number of empties this year.

2020 Winter Favorites
Winter is my favorite season, but definitely not my skin’s. I have dry and sensitive skin, and wanted to share my essentials for getting through this season’s cold weather! I think these products are amazing for all skin types because we can all use a little more moisture and hydration!

If I Wasn’t a Beauty Blogger
Because everything beauty and skincare is what my page is all about, I constantly test new products, but it got me thinking about if I wasn’t a beauty blogger. For someone not a fellow skincare addict, which handful of products could form a solid skincare routine? If you were wondering the same, I’ve got you covered! I gathered a group of products that would encompass a simple yet effective skincare routine.

Allies Serums
A highly anticipated review of the new*ish* Allies of Skin serums. They kindly sent me their Triple Hyaluronic Antioxidant Hydration serum and Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector night serum. Allies of Skin is a pretty new brand that just destroyed the skincare game from the get go! Needless to say I was so excited to try these serums out.